Privacy & Terms

Privacy Policy

Investor Trustee Services understands that security and privacy are important issues for visitors to our website and recognizes our obligations to keep your information secure and confidential.

You may be asked to voluntarily provide your name, address, phone number, email address, or other personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) to have access to some features of the Site. You may always refuse to provide your Personal Information, and this may lead to our inability to provide you with certain offerings, services, or products. Investor Trustee Services will not share user’s personal information with third parties.

We may also collect information, such as your IP address (a number used to identify your computer on the Internet) or the type of browser you are using, through the use of cookies or by other means. We hope that, by using these collected data, we can update the site to make it more useful to you and other users. We reserve the right to maintain, update, disclose, or otherwise use of these data without limitation.


The Site may contain links to other sites on the Internet that are owned and operated by third parties. Investor Trustee Services does not endorse such sites and is not responsible for the collection or use of your Personal or Anonymous Information at any third party sites.

Children Under the Age of 13

Our website is not intended for children. No one under age 13 may provide any personal data on our website. We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under 13. If you are under 13, do not use or provide any information on our website. If we learn we have collected or received Personal Data from a child under 13, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have information from or about a child under 13, please contact us at

California Privacy Rights

If you are a resident of the State of California and Investor Trustee Services has an established business relationship with you, then you have certain privacy rights pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code. You have the right to request the following at any time: (a) information from Investor Trustee Services free of charge regarding the manner in which Investor Trustee Services shares certain Personal Data collected through the website with third parties who use that information for direct marketing purposes; and (b) the discontinuation (or opt-out) of Investor Trustee Services sharing of the information with those third parties. Please submit any requests (“California Privacy Rights Request”) to with a subject line of “Your California Privacy Rights.”

For each California Privacy Rights Request, please state “Your California Privacy Rights” in the email or letter subject line, and clearly state the following in the body:
a. the nature of your request;
b. that the request is related to “Your California Privacy Rights;”
c. your name, street address, city, state, zip code and email address; and
d. whether you prefer to receive a response to your request by mail or email.

Investor Trustee Services is not responsible for a California Privacy Rights Request that is incomplete, incorrectly labeled, or incorrectly sent.


© 2022 Investor Trustee Services. All rights reserved. Any copying, redistribution or re-transmission of any of the contents of this service without the express written consent of Investor Trustee Services is expressly prohibited.